OMAX Software
The OMAX Intelli-MAX Software Suite, standard on all machines is written by OMAX specifically for abrasive waterjet cutting. Powered by Windows 10, you get the latest protection from Microsoft, ease of networking and real time monitoring built into your machine tool. Omax Intelli-MAX uses point and click technology that enables the operator to go from design to cutting with 6 mouse clicks. One click to add surface finish (cut quality), another click to add a cut path to the part (lead-ins, lead-outs and traverses). A third click to post the part to an .ord file (OMAX Routed Data) ready for machining. Select the material you would like to cut from a drop down list in the MAKE suite, and input the material thickness, you are ready to cut. OMAX Intelli-MAX software calculates the speed of the X Y axis using an algorithm that accurately calculates at over 100 steps per mm, which gives perfect results, the first time, every time and enables operators to get repeatable results with every cut.